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I am dedicated

to portraying the power of human intimacy in an elegant and impactful manner, that evokes a sense of true story immersion and an authentic connection to the characters' emotions: their triumphs, struggles, pain, and joy. 


I'm passionate about exploring dynamic relationships and the impact that intimacy and love have on the psyche. As our interactions with others shape our lives and ultimately our hearts, exploring these experiences through theatre has the ability to elicit a visceral reaction with audiences from all walks of life.


My ultimate artistic goal is to bring each script to life with tasteful stage direction, powerful blocking and expressive talent, while extracting and amplifying the elements of relatability that convey humans' intrinsic interconnectivity. 

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Peter / Wendy

Smee / Mr. Darling

Peter lures Wendy away from her nursery to the magical world of Neverland, where she joins his adventures with Tinker Bell, Tiger Lily, and the menacing Captain Hook. A low-tech, inventive adaptation that pays homage to the darker themes of J. M. Barrie's original, Peter/Wendy will mesmerize audiences of all ages.


June 9th, 10th, and 11th

King Lear


King Lear divides his kingdom among the two daughters who flatter him and banishes the third one who loves him. His eldest daughters both then reject him at their homes, so Lear goes mad and wanders through a storm. His banished daughter returns with an army, but they lose the battle and Lear, all his daughters and more, die.

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Free Shakespeare in the park Performances
July 22nd, 23rd, 29th, and 30th
August 5th and 6th 

T.V. And Film 
Upcoming projects


On The Case With
Paula Zahn

2 Episodes - Charlie Webber
Episode 1131 and 1201

Veteran journalist Paula Zahn steps out of the studio and into the field to unravel criminal investigations, tracking the drama of each story by featuring the opinions of those closest to the case, including law enforcement officials, the families of the victims and the incarcerated, lawyers from both sides, and first-time TV interviews with convicted murderers

Airing Date 11/21/2021 on Discovery+

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Hearts and Mind
Music Video

Man in Bar (Featured)

War Veteran , returns home and struggles to adjust to life back home, especially with his newly obtained PTSD

Release Date TBA

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